Evolution 34




Tree of life
After National Geografic Magazin


This is a fine tree of life. The small letters are hardly readable but that is not important. The first living organisms must have come into existence in a very hot environment: the yellow base of the tree. The first branch on the left-hand side is the one of the bacteria. The first cyanobacteria with photosynthesis (the capacity to make starch out of carbondioxide and water) appeared at the border of warm and cold.
The first branch on the right-hand side goes to the Archaea. These prokaryotes obtain their energy, among others, from sulphur.
The second branch on the left-hand side represents the Eukaryotes, the organisms with cells with a nucleus. Multicellular organisms like plants and animals are also included. The animals (man inclusive) are mentioned on the top left inside a small circle.

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Three-domain system

This is a photo of a part of a (living) primitive organism called Volvox. It is a green alga consisting of cells which are mutually connected by strands of protoplasm, and which have arranged themselves on the surface of a sphere. The organism, sized up to 1 mm and living in freshwater ditches and pools, can be considered on the other hand as a colony of cooperating algal cells. Every cell has two flagella which can be used to rotate and to move the sphere. The cells are not yet specialized and it is imaginable that transitional forms from one-celled to multicellular organisms had a comparable structure.
From time to time new little spheres are formed within the old one (photo) and at a certain moment these new spheres go outward and get detached. This is a kind of vegetative propagation. However, there is also a sexual reproduction.

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Volvox (3D-photos: red-green spectacles needed)

Evolution 34


