Darwin 48




Family photo of the Darwins
From: Darwin, Desmond & Moore 1991

Darwin at middle age
From: Charles Darwin, Bowlby, 1990

A snapshot of the family life in 1863. From left to right: Leonard, Henrietta, Horace, Emma, Elisabeth, Francis and a visitor.
Apart from Darwin's bad health it was a very happy family. Emma played the piano. Darwin and Emma played games together like backgammon and they were extremely stay-at-home.
Darwin got sick at the mere thought that he should have to go somewhere. Yet there were times in which he felt better.
This is Darwin at middle age.
Often the children helped him in his research. For example they ran after bees to find out which route they were flying. Or they counted worm holes  in the garden early in the morning.
When the (little) children felt ill, they came lying in father's study. In short, everything indicates that there was a great ambiance in the Darwin house.

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