Darwin 40




From: Darwin, Desmond & Moore 1991

Kew Gardens

Joseph Hooker, prominant botanist and assistant director (later on director) of the famous botanical gardens of London, Kew Gardens.
Darwin wrote a letter to Lyell in which he explained the situation. Among other things he wrote that he had noted down a similar account in 1842 and also that he had explained his theory in a letter to the American botanist Asa Gray.

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Joseph Hooker

He asked Lyell if he possibly saw a solution: otherwise he would give the honour to Wallace. Lyell and Hooker found a kind of Solomon's solution by organising that the texts of Wallace and Darwin were both read to a conference of the Linnean Society. Wallace agreed with it. This happened on July 1, 1858 and so they both received the honour. Yet Darwin is considered to be the real father of the evolution theory.
On August the 20th both articles were published. Now Darwin knew that he had to write  his book. In less than one year he created his most important book: 'On the Origin of Species'.

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Kew Gardens

Darwin 40


