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Robert Darwin
From: Darwin, Desmond & Moore 1991

Grandfather Erasmus Darwin
From: Charles Darwin, Bowlby, 1990

Charles respected his father, Robert Darwin, very much (he was even a bit afraid of him), but he also loved him very much.  But Robert was not happy with his son's progress. Once Robert has exclaimed:  "You care for nothing but shooting, dogs, and rat-catching, and you will be a disgrace to yourself and all your family."  And imagine him saying that with his high voice and his impressive appearance.
Charles liked collecting rocks and insects and often he moved through the woods with his elder brother Erasmus (Ras).
The family was not very religious. Darwin was baptized Anglican.
Darwin's grandfather Erasmus Darwin had interesting idea's about nature. He can be called a nature philosopher. In his book Zoönomia he developed thoughts about changing species, or in modern terminology evolution. Darwin had read the book on the advice of his father and he had some admiration for it. Still it seems that the book didn't really influence him. There were also some scientists writing about species changing into other species ('transmutation'), like De Buffon and ...

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Erasmus Darwin Biography

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