
Foliage of horsetail trees

Two types of foliage of horsetail trees can be distinguished:
1. Annularia, with mostly stellate patterns of leaflets (photo on the left)
2. Asterophyllites, with whirls of upward pointing leaflets (photo on the right).
Click at the photos to see more species.

Annularia radiata

Asterophyllites equisetiformis

Whorls of leaflets of Annularia radiata from Ibbenbüren.
The leaflets are outspread in a circle or an ellips.

The leaves of a whorl of Annularia are often fused
at the base in a small ring at the node.

Whorls of leaflets of Asterophyllites equisetiformis from the Piesberg.
The leaflets are pointing upward and the whorls is seen in a side view.
