
Synangia of Psaronius

Three to six sporangia are fused into a synangium.
The synangia are placed on the lower side of the leaflets.
Leaflets of Pecopteris with these synangia are called Scolecopteris.

Transverse section of synangia of Scolecopteris

Transverse section of synangia of Scolecopteris, each consisting of 4 or 5 sporangia.
The cell structure of the wall is well preserved. Spores are visible in the sporangia.
Chert from Freital (Sachsen). Width of the photo 3 mm. Coll. H.-J. Weiss. Photo W. Schwarz.

Weiss, H.-J., 2002. Beobachtungen zur Variabilität der Synangien des "Madenfarns"
