Sphenopteris-like leaflets |
- Sphenopteris coemansii deeply divided leaflets, lobes hand-like (palmate) leaflets often detached |
- Crossotheca (Sphenopteris)
crepinii leaflets strongly divided often with synangia (fused microsporangia) |
- Eusphenopteris
neuropteroides leaflets rounded/rectangular, often somewhat convex rather broadly attached, with distinct veins |
- Eusphenopteris striata leaflets more or less flat, with three to five rounded or oval lobes fine radial striation, veins mostly indistinct |
- Eusphenopteris
hollandica leaflets with smal (up to 2 mm) with oval, vaulted lobes the top pinnules are about as large as the normal pinnules |
- Eusphenopteris
trigonophylla leaflets as a whole often somewhat triangular with rounded or triangular lobes leaflets a bit vaulted |
- Oligocarpia
(Sphenopteris) brongniartii fronds with small, oval leaflets with scalloped border finely divided aphlebia's at the base of some partial fronds |
- Renaultia (Sphenopteris)
gracilis resembles the previous species very much but the leaflets are more deeply incised books are needed for identification |
- Renaultia (Sphenopteris)
charaeformis resembles the previous two species very much but the leaflets are dentate books are needed for identification |
- Alloiopteris
similis leaflets very small (1 - 3 mm); they are connected at the base pinnae with parallel sides |
- Sphenopteris spiniformis leaflets broad and deeply incised variable shape, often with a (rather) pointed apex |
- Palmatopteris
furcata lobes of the leaflets divided in the form of a hand lobes with a midvein |
- Fortopteris
latifolia leaflets very variable, in most cases dentate at the upper side leaflets broadly attached and somewhat decurrent |
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