
Branches of lepidodendron

Branches of Lepidodendron sp.
Piesberg (Osnabrück, Germ.)
. Westfalian D. Height of the photo 40 cm.

Lepidodendron obovatum

Lepidodendron obovatum
The leaf cushions of branches are
shorter rhombic than those of the trunk.

Ibbenbüren, Westfalian D.
Height of the photo 6 cm.

Lepidodendron obovatum

Lepidodendron obovatum
Nyrany (CZ), Westfalian D.
Height of the photo 8 cm.

Lepidodendron obovatum with leaflets

Lepidodendron obovatum
with attached leaflets.
Ibbenbüren, Westfalian D.
Height of the photo 8 cm.
