Underground part of a clubmoss tree in the Museum Am
Schölerberg at Osnabrück.
The axes are not real roots but they can be considered as a kind of
underground side branches of the trunk.
To these root bearers small real rootlets were attached. When these
rootlets fell off characteristic little circular scars (stigmas) remained.
This explaines the name Stigmaria. The underground parts
of Lepidodendron and Sigillaria cannot be distinguished in
most cases.
Stigmaria ficoides with scars and rootlets.
Ibbenbüren (Germ.), Westfalian B. Height of the photo 15 cm.
Stigmaria ficoides with rootlets.
Piesberg (Osnabrück, Germ.), Westfalian D. Height
of the photo 40 cm.
Fossils of Stigmaria are frequently found in the root layer under
the coal seam.
Stigmaria reticulata
with scars of the rootlets.
The strong wrinkling is characteristic for this species.
Duisburg-Hamborn, Westfalian A?
Height of the photo 6 cm
Coll. Arthur Reinink