Evolution 1



Gorges du Verdon

Cliffs in Pembrokeshire

Which indications support the changing of species?
They come from places where the Earth's crust is open, like here in the Gorges du Verdon (Fr). For centuries fossils have been collected in places where the old sediments come to the surface. These layers contain a clock: in by far the most cases the lower strata are older than upper ones. That is the consequence of the way in which they came into existence, namely by the deposition of sand and mud at the bottom of seas, lakes and other sub-soils.
In the past centuries man has created himself an image of the fossil content of the layers and this shows that different kinds of organisms succeed each other in the course of time.
A nice example is the following. Some years ago my wife (see picture) and I hunted for the remains of the oldest land plants in the cliffs of the coast of South Wales. The rock layers there are aged over 400 millions of years and thus the plants are too.
After long and intensive searching, we did find some fossils. The next page shows our finest specimen.

Evolution 1

